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HIM Kids
HIM is dedicated to training up it's kids in the way they should go through discipling the youngest to oldest through love, mentorship, and fun learning experiences.
Sunday Classes
After worship, the kids head to class to dive into God's word head first!
There are classes for ages 0-12, which are as follows:
Ages 0-2
Ages 3-5
Ages 6-8
Ages 9-12
Bows, Arrows, & Slingshots
Slingshots, Bows, and Arrows are HIM's Wednesday night children's program focused on raising the HIM Kids to be godly men and women with purpose and destiny to be all that God has called them to be.
Ages 0-2
Ages 3-7
Bows & Arrows
Ages 8-12
In addition to our regular weekly classes, fun interactive events and outreaches are held, such as VBS and Pumpkin patches.
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